
  • Korean AAC

    A consequence of starting my career in 2020 was starting my career  in the depths of the global Covid 19 pandemic. Like many others, I turned to new hobbies to pass time and cope. My first pandemic hobby was Animal Crossing and sour dough. My second was completing as much online professional learning during my…


  • Story of Our Logo

    Rubus allegheniensis sound straight out a a magical world, but it is actually the scientific name of the Allegheny blackberry. This variety of blackberry grows native to Virginia. Deep in humid July months, blackberries ripen to the delight of my family as we beat the heat with early morning walks.  The bushes grow all over…


  • Welcome!

    Chantilly Speech Therapy was born in September 2024.  Private practice has been a professional goal for some time, but I kept making excuses as business ownership seemed too large of a hurdle. What I learned is opening a business is actually many tiny hurdles of little decisions! Tiny decisions are often harder for me as…